Cleaning Up After Mold Exposure

Mold can lead to vicious allergies and respiratory issues. Cleaning up after you’ve discovered mold can be dangerous to your health for that very reason. It’s important to know how to properly clean up and dispose of mold so you can get back to your normal life. Starting your life after mold also involves taking measures to ensure it doesn’t feel welcome in your home again. Here are the RestoPros tips for cleaning up after mold exposure and enacting future mold prevention.


Cleaning Up After Mold Exposure


Protect Yourself


Once you know there’s mold in your home, it’s important to take measures to protect yourself. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) advises people who will be interacting with mold in any way to wear: a face mask to keep from breathing in the spores, gloves to keep from coming into direct contact with the mold, and safety glasses to protect your eyes.


Don’t Cover It – Scrub It


Cleaning mold is tougher than you might think. This isn’t like scrubbing the grime out from between your shower tiles. It’s hard work. This may not have been your inclination, but many people, after trying and failing to scrub away the mold, try to simply cover it up with paint or caulking.


While this may correct the unsightly appearance, it won’t do much to protect you from mold allergies and respiratory issues. Scrub the mold away as best you can. Take a break if you need to, but then come back until it’s done.


Throw Out Porous Material


Some parts of your home just won’t be saved. If porous materials have been infected with mold, for example, there’s no amount of scrubbing that will save them. Ceiling tiles, plywood furniture, anything covered in upholstery—throw it out.


Hire a Mold Remediation Specialist


After attempting to clean the mold yourself, you might find that it’s much, much more difficult than you had imagined. Despite your very best efforts, you’re just not getting all of the mold off of the infected surfaces in your home.


Asking for help is not the same as admitting defeat. You’ve done all you can, so now it’s time to let a professional take it from here.


Future Mold Prevention


Now that you’ve seen what a headache mold can be, you’re probably thinking, “I never want to see another speck of mold again.” While it’s not possible to ban mold from your home for good, there are simple steps you can take to prevent mold from growing in the future.




Mold loves moisture. Even the limited moisture in humidity is enough to make mold feel welcome in your house. Besides doing your best to prevent home floods (like having your plumbing inspected and protecting your home’s interior from the elements), you can dehumidify your house to keep mold at bay.


Start Seasonal Cleaning


Our society makes a big deal about spring cleaning, but really, the nooks and crannies need your full attention at least once per season.


Nooks include areas of your home you rarely think of, like: your ductwork, your air filters, your water filters, your attic, cabinets that house pipes, and really, any space that attracts moisture.


Keep these areas clean, and you’ll avoid mold.


Stay Up-to-Date on Mold Prevention Tips


Come back to our blog for additional mold prevention tips. If you need help with mold remediation and mold cleanup in the meantime, give us a call.