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Fire Prevention Tips: Kindle The Flame With Your Love, Not Your House

Spark romance, not fires this Valentine’s Day. Here are the top 5 fire prevention tips so you can focus on kindling the flame with your loved one – not your house.

  1. Be Mindful of Your Space Heater and Fireplace

It’s common to break out your space heater and turn on your fireplace as temperatures drop. Not to mention, sitting by a cozy fireplace is a perfect, romantic setting for you and your special someone. If you use either one, make sure there’s at least three feet of space around them. Never place fabrics or any items on the space heater. With fireplaces, you always want to make sure there is a metal screen around it. When you’re not home or when you go to bed, turn off your space heater and fireplace to prevent a fire.

  1. Test Smoke Alarms Regularly

While smoke alarms don’t prevent fires, they can help alert you of one – and that is important. According to American Red Cross, you should test your smoke alarms every month. If they’re not working, change the batteries. You rely on your smoke alarm to give you an early warning that there’s a potential fire. Make sure yours is working this Valentine’s Day!

  1. Consider Using Flameless Candles

Flameless candles are a great alternative to regular candles. Using battery-operated or flameless candles are a great way to ensure you don’t find yourself in a dangerous situation with fire this Valentine’s Day. If you do use regular candles, the U.S. Fire Administration recommends you keep any lit candles at least 12 inches away from anything that can burn.  Not only that, but make sure you blow them out before you go to sleep or leave the house, and that they’re always placed on something study and safe.

  1. Practice Cooking Safety

Cooking a romantic meal for that special someone this Valentine’s Day? Prevent a kitchen catastrophe! Make sure you never leave any cooking food unattended, especially if you have kids or pets in your home. Not only that, but keep flammables away from the stove when you’re cooking. This includes items such as towel, and even certain clothes you’re wearing. Think twice before wearing long scarves or flowy shirts while cooking.

  1. Unplug Appliances That Aren’t In Use

Did you use a straightener or electric shaver to get ready for your Valentine’s Day date? Did you make a quick snack in the toaster before heading to dinner with your partner? It’s always a good idea to unplug appliances that aren’t in use. Faulty wiring in things such as your toaster or microwave can spark a fire even if you’re not using it.

RestoPros Is Here For All Your Dallas, TX Fire Mitigation Needs

Serving Dallas, TX and surrounding areas, RestoPros is here for all your fire mitigation needs. First, we will assess the damage and inspect your property. Then, we’ll mitigate the situation. Our team of experts will first turn off the water, shut off the electricity system and ensure there are no gas leaks before beginning work. After we remove the soot and smoke, remove debris and charred items, and pack up any items, our professionals will sanitize the premises and extract any water left by the fire department. With RestoPros, you and your home are in good hands. Contact us today at 855-587-3786 or fill out our form online.