5 Spring Cleaning Tips To Avoid Mold In Your Home This Season

Are you starting to spring clean yet? Even if you have already begun, it’s not too late to add to your checklist! When cleaning your home, make sure you are doing tasks to help you eliminate the risk of mold growth. Here are the top 5 spring cleaning tips to help you avoid mold in your home this season.

1. Run Your Bathroom and Kitchen Fans

When you shower and cook, moisture can build up on the surfaces of your home and in the air. It’s no secret that mold thrives in moist conditions, so it’s a good idea to be mindful of this. To help reduce the amount of moisture, run the exhaust fans whenever you are bathing or cooking. Plan to run the fans during and after you’re done so allow enough time for the moisture to clear. If you don’t have fans, open some windows instead.

2. Clean Out your Fridge and Pantry

Food that stays in one spot for a while can eventually grow mold. Have you ever opened up a drawer to find moldy bread, or moldy fruit and vegetables that you completely forgot about? While the food itself goes bad and molds, it can also release moisture as the food decays. This moisture can build up in your fridge and cause even more mold. Be proactive this spring by taking the chance to throw out old items in your fridge and pantry, and wipe down surfaces.

3. Clean Your Sponges

The item to most likely attract mold in your kitchen is your sponge. Think about it: It’s just sitting there, damp from washing dishes, stewing in old, dirty water. Clean and replace your sponges frequently to avoid mold growth. You can clean your sponge in the dishwasher, or even your microwave. The microwave is a good way to clean your sponge quickly and efficiently. First, you will want to rinse the sponge to get rid of any food debris. Then, soak it with enough water that it’s wet but not dripping wet and then put it in the microwave for about a minute. And voila! You have a sponge that is just like new. 

4. Clean Up Wet Spills Immediately

Did you accidentally spill something on your carpet or maybe a piece of furniture? Even if it’s just water, don’t let it sit for too long. If the spill is left alone or attended to poorly, it can seep past the padding and mold can grow beneath it. Mold only really needs 24-48 hours to start growing. If you need to take care of a spill, take a wash rag or paper towel and pat the spill instead of trying to wipe it.

5. Leave The Washer Door Open

It’s not uncommon to find mold growing inside the flaps of your washing machine, especially if you have a front-loading appliance. The best way to avoid mold is letting it air out after washing a load of laundry. Keep the door to your washing machine open instead of closing it. Closing the door can trap the moisture inside which is the perfect breeding ground for mold. Not only should you do this, but you should also make sure you’re not leaving wet clothes sitting in there for too long. As mentioned above, mold starts growing within 24-48 hours.

RestoPros is Here To Help With All Your Mold Remediation Needs in Dallas, TX and Surrounding Areas!

Spring into action and call on RestoPros today! We are here for all your mold remediation needs in Dallas, TX and surrounding areas. Call us today at 855-587-3786 or contact us by filling out our online form here.