Many people are under the false assumption that mold doesn’t pose much of a threat in the winter. When those people find mold in their homes in the winter, they may find themselves with a lot of questions. Here are the top 5 common questions people ask about mold in the winter.

1. Will Cold Weather Kill Mold?

The short answer here is no. Cold weather does not kill mold. Just like bears hibernate in the winter, you might find mold to stay still when temperatures are freezing. However, as soon as the temperatures rise again, they will begin to grow and multiply. It’s best not to wait until winter to take care of your mold problem.

2. Can Mold Even Grow In The Winter?

Yes, certain types of mold can grow in the winter. Many people are under the assumption that mold only grows in warm climates and environments but that isn’t always true. As long as it has the right temperature, a food source, and some moisture, it has all it needs to grow and thrive.

3. How Can I Prevent Mold Growth This Time Of Year?

The winter is wet and cold in a lot of places around the country. There are many preventative measures you can take to prevent mold from growing and thriving in the winter time. For one, be careful when storing items away for the winter. You want to make sure any summer items you’re storing away, like camping gear, are completely dry and clean before storing. Secondly, repair leaks right away. Remember, mold thrives in wet conditions, so you want to make sure you’re cleaning up any leaks quickly. And lastly, keep your humidity at a healthy level. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, you should keep the humidity levels in your home under 60%.

4. Why Does Mold Grow On Windows In The Winter?

You may find more mold growth on your windows during the winter than any other time of year. This is because the warm air inside your home is coming into contact with the cool glass of your windows as the temperatures drop. The humidity and condensation causes mold to grow. You can keep your windows from growing mold by sealing any gaps or drafts around the windows, installing insulated windows, and even opening windows if you can comfortably do so.

5. Will My Mold Allergies Go Away In The Winter?

If you’re someone who suffers from mold allergies, you may be wondering if you get a break from them in the winter. Unfortunately, while you may get some relief from seasonal allergies, mold allergies can hang around all year-round. In order to stop mold allergies, you need to limit your exposure to allergens that cause your allergies to flare up. Some ways to help with this is to let decorations dry before putting them away, regularly check your home for any signs of mold growth, clean heat vents and change your air filters, and use a dehumidifier – just to name a few.

RestoPros is Here To Help With All Your Mold Remediation Needs in Dallas, TX and Surrounding Areas!

If you need mold remediation or mold testing in Dallas, TX and surrounding areas, RestoPros is here for all your needs. Call us today at 855-587-3786 or contact us by filling out our online form here.