As a homeowner, it is important to know what your homeowner’s insurance
policy does and does not cover. Water damage is one of the most common homeowner’s insurance claims. While many people equate water damage to flooding, there are actually multiple water related problems that can cause damage to your Plano home. These problems can cause added stress and headache if they aren’t covered by your policy. Water damage repairs are important, especially to prevent these damages causing mold in your home. This article will provide an overview of three of the leading causes of water damage, as well as a look at what a standard homeowner’s insurance policy will cover.


Flood and Natural Disaster

Flooding can happen to anyone, not just people who live near water. It
can be the result of extreme weather or mudslides. You may be surprised
to learn that flooding is not covered by most insurance policies. In most
cases, you need to have specific flood insurance to be protected from
costly repairs to your home’s foundation and structure.

Water and Sewer Back Up

If you experience trouble with your sewer and excess water or sewage backs
up into your home, it can lead to costly repairs to fix the damage as
well as the sewer system. Unless you have added this coverage to your
policy, you may not be covered, as it does not come standard.

Pipe Damage

A broken or leaky pipe can lead to extensive water damage. In most cases,
broken or leaky pipes are only covered in instances that the damage is
sudden. If a pipe breaks or leaks due to subpar maintenance, you will
still be left with the same water damage, but it may not be covered in
your insurance policy. It is important to know what your policy covers,
and what gaps you need to fill in. Without immediate repair, water damage
can lead to mold, mildew, and other problems.

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