Even though water is a necessity in homes, it can be destructive if given the chance, which can potentially cost you a lot of money in repairs. Here are some common causes of water damage in homes. For more information, contact a professional who specializes in water damage restoration and mold removal in Plano.


Leaky or Broken Pipes

One of the most common causes of water damage in homes is leaking or broken
pipes. Leaks can result from corrosion or loose joint connections. Pipes
can burst for a variety of reasons: age and corrosion, invasive tree roots
excessive, water pressure within pipes, and frozen pipes. When water is
unintentionally released from plumbing lines, it can damage your ceiling
and walls, cause wooden beams and joists to rot, and cause your concrete
foundation to swell. The excess moisture can also encourage mold and mildew
to grow rampantly by creating an ideal environment for them to do so.
If you discover a lot of mold in your house, contact a mold remediation
expert immediately.

Clogged Pipes

Your home’s drains and toilets can become clogged, and then back
up into your home. Not only is this situation messy, but it also can be
a serious health hazard, especially if wastewater and sewage is involved.
Also, blocked drains and sewer lines can cause water pressure to build
up in your pipes, which can lead to ruptures or leaks.

Moist Basements

Basements tend to be dark and damp, mainly when little to nothing has been
done to waterproof them. Since concrete is porous, water from the ground
can seep into foundations and raise the humidity level in basements. Unfinished
basements have networks of exposed plumbing pipes, which can be concerning
if they leak or burst. Wet basements are also perfect places for mold
and mildew to grow.

Storm Flooding

Though rare, flooding caused by storms can be potentially disastrous. If
you live in an area where floods are an issue from time to time, take
the necessary precautions to protect yourself from the need for water
damage repair.

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