Whether you can see it or not, mold in Plano might be inhibiting the indoor air quality of your home, making life difficult for those with asthma or allergies. When you decide to call your local professional for a mold inspection, there are certain areas your specialist might address first; it helps to recognize these areas so you can check for mold yourself. Mold can spring up just about anywhere if the conditions are right, and it often does so in your kitchen, HVAC appliances, and ceilings. Keep reading for a closer look at the areas where you might find mold in your home.

Your Kitchen


It can be difficult to keep a healthy home if you have a mold problem in the kitchen; since this is typically the space where food preparation occurs, there is too much risk of contamination. The kitchen tends to be a hotspot for mold because it offers perhaps the most important element of mold growth: moisture. You might also experience mold growth in your kitchen if you let your leftovers sit for too long, which can contaminate your entire refrigerator. Be sure your fridge is in top shape and that your kitchen is ventilated in order to avoid a mold problem and keep a healthier home.

Faulty Chimneys and Roofs

Sometimes moisture makes its way into your home from outside. If you have
broken shingles, a faulty chimney, or an otherwise leaky roof, you may
not even be aware of the issue until a severe mold problem has already
begun to form. You might notice dark rings or water stains on your ceilings,
or you might even hear dripping in the attic. Call a mold removal professional
as soon as you notice any signs of a leaky roof.

HVAC Appliances

As if mold wasn’t problematic enough, it has a habit of spreading
throughout your house using your HVAC appliances and your ductwork. Mold
travels through microscopic spores, which can hitch a ride with your indoor
air as it circulates throughout the home. Check your ducts and HVAC units
for mold if you think you have a problem.

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