Mold spores are everywhere, even inside your home at this very moment.
It only takes the right conditions for these spores to multiply and create
a serious mold infestation. Mold is quite recognizable and very easy to
spot out in the open, but the problem is that most infestations are hidden
behind walls and inside air ducts. If you recognize any of the following
signs in your home, contact a mold remediation company in Plano and set up an indoor mold inspection. If mold is discovered, every step will be taken to eliminate your mold problem for good.


Strong, Musty Odor

Mold has a very unique appearance, but it’s just as easy to identify
by its smell. When mold is confined to one area of your home, you may
notice a musty odor when you are in the room or near that particular area.
Mold often lives within walls or behind wallpaper, so the odor may take
some time to become noticeable. This means you shouldn’t wait any
longer to schedule a home mold inspection after smelling a strong, musty
odor in your home as the problem may already be quite serious. Every day
you put off professional mold remediation, the problem will only get worse
and the harder it will be to rid your home of mold for good.

Indoor Allergies

Prolonged exposure to indoor mold can have negative health effects, the
most common of which are allergy symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose,
shortness of breath, and fatigue. If you or anyone in your home only experiences
allergies indoors, schedule a home mold inspection with a mold removal
specialist in Plano. Mold exposure can also cause breathing difficulties,
sinus infections, internal bleeding, and more serious health effects,
so don’t put off treating a mold problem any longer than absolutely

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